Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Girl slowly tortured

To make sure she stayed sentivive and ticklish during the entire video, Skelyrata added a new weapon, a HAIR DRYER. When you blow hot air into the skin it lives is very smoth and soft, perfect for tickling. This weapon also has a difuser with little fingers, that when slided through the body, in combination with the hot air, gives the worse tickle torture ever! On top of that, this blower has a switch to from hot to cold that makes the experience horrible for poor Emily. But this is not it. In this video, Skelyrata spray her with "spider-web fluid" that when is becomes solid, it contracts and is like having a million bugs crawling all over her body at the same time. To make things worse, he spread two cold ooze slime goose on her skin. Oh, did I mention that Emily is naked from the start. No time is wasted in stripping her down. The torment starts from second one and goes all the way until the end.

Take a look from a better angle.

1 comment:

  1. i love emily fighting the restraints to no avale
