Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tickling is just the beginning

A question that comes very often about why my videos seem to mix tickling with sexuality.

The answer is in the way I approach my sessions. I see them as love scenes in which tickling is a very important part of the seduction game.

When I started doing this almost three years ago, I was doing only tickling, but I always felt that sessions where incomplete, they didn't feel as a real romantic encounter.

So one day I experimented with vibrator and forced orgasm and got very good results. It gave a good closure to the videos and increased sales and since this is how I make a living, sales is very important for me, but never sacrificing my devotion for tickling.

Then I incorporated other aspects of softcore like body kissing, boob grabbing and tit sucking and I saw that the more versatile a video better the sales... still tickling is the main element of the entire show.

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